I was recently attempting the Kioptrix box on Vulnhub and Legacy on HTB. As I was enumerating SMB shares, I received this error on both the boxes.
I had the error on two separate boxes I knew the error lay with my SMB config. After a lot of googling I finally stumbled along an article that was talking about SMB1/NT1 and how it was outdated and a security threat.
It looks as though SMB by default no longer lets you connect to a share which is using the older protocol. Here is how to get around that.
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
It should like this
We need to add the line below into the Global section.
client min protocol = NT1
Save and exit, Here is what it should look like
Proof of the pudding!
So there you have it! You can still connect to shares using the older protocol from this method.
WARNING!! please be aware that Microsoft has deprecated SMB1 and advising to use it. Setting this allows you to connect to potentially dangerous machines. Please be aware of what you are connecting to.